Software development company with around 20 staff. Told by an adviser that they would not qualify for R&D Tax Credits – because they only developed web sites. We examined projects over the two previous years and found 17 projects involving the development of very complex web based eCommerce applications with high R&D content.
After helping them scope those projects and producing technical justifications to support the claim the company received a cheque from HMRC for £52,000 within 5 weeks of the claim submission. The client estimated that they would need to achieve close to £1m of sales in order to have that bottom line financial impact.
Software claims have been and remain one of the most tricky claim areas. The software CIRDs were revised by HMRC in October 2018 due to issues they identified around software R&D claims.
We can help companies by identifying R&D, assisting in scoping projects and justifying the claims with HMRC. We are hugely experienced with software R&D claims. Contact us today for a free assessment