R&D Tax Credit Calculator
How much might your research & development tax credit claim be worth? Use our quick R & D tax credits calculator to find out. Contact us to begin the claims process.

SME R & D Tax Credit Calculator
Please select the starting tax position:
* Compared to the average standard fee rate of our 4 largest competitors you would be at least this much better off claiming with us. We are much fairer on fees.
Disclaimer. This R & D tax credit calculator is an estimator tool. None of the content in this website constitutes advice. The tool above is far less complex in data entry terms than a tax computation and makes basic assumptions, one tax rate, no other reliefs or carry backs, no intangible assets, and others tax complexities. Exact calculations require detail from a company’s accounts and tax computations including the prior year. This is part of our full service. Experience in these calculations is crucial to claiming R &D tax credits a company is entitled to correctly. Our accountants process several hundred of R & D claims a year. Incorrect calculations may lead to HMRC enquiry.
* Compared to the average standard fee rate of our 4 largest competitors you would be at least this much better off claiming with us, on our standard fee rate. We are fair on fees.
Disclaimer. This is an estimator tool. None of the content in this website constitutes advice. The tool above is far less complex in data entry terms than a tax computation and makes basic assumptions, one tax rate, no other reliefs or carry backs, no intangible assets, and others tax complexities. Exact calculations require detail from a company’s accounts and tax computations including the prior year. This is part of our full service. Experience in these calculations is crucial to claiming what a company is entitled to correctly, our accountants process several hundred of these a year. Incorrect calculations may lead to HMRC enquiry.
How much is an R&D tax credits claim worth?
Quick estimate based on percentage of qualifying costs.
Tax Relief
Surrendering losses for a R&D Tax Credit
18.85 - 33.35%

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