Civil Engineering, Building Construction and Refurbishment
Civil Engineering, Building Construction and Refurbishment R&D Tax Credits
We know for the civil engineer, builder or refurbishment specialist, conditions and design needs change and dictate re-design to suit. You adapt, re-design and amend design or programs to solve the technical challenges that arise, involving you in research, innovation, and trials with success, and failure.
These innovations can be supported by R&D tax credits to fund many of the expenses involved. These include staff, software, sub-contractors and consumables used in developing new products, processes, advances in techniques or materials, whether successful or not. ALL supply chain businesses can claim – from the many SME’s involved, right up to Tier 1 Contractors and consortia. For some examples:
Civil Engineering: Challenges exist for the engineer – whether Consultant, Contractor or support professional – at any project stage and everywhere from minor roadworks to major landmark sports stadia and transport schemes.
Building Construction: Contractors, specialist sub-contractors and trade specialists all meet the same risks in construction – R & D tax credits for the construction industry can help address constant advances in technology, materials or legislation.
Refurbishment: In giving buildings new lifespans by refurbishment, the new construction often follows updated standards, uses new materials, or has to re-use building materials in place where no records of their original or remaining strengths.
Can construction and engineering businesses claim for R&D tax credits?
Companies which are seeking to make improvements to their products or processes may be eligible.
Many companies in the construction field are already claiming tax relief on their investment in developing new products and processes. Their claims represent between 18% and 33% of their annual qualifying development costs. To be able to claim you must:
Be a limited company, subject to UK corporation tax
Be seeking a significant improvement in industry products, processes, or services
Be incurring costs in the process of your developments
How to claim R&D tax credits?
With our support, claiming R&D tax credits in the construction industry is straightforward and time efficient. RandDTax is here to help and guide you through the process. We offer a fully comprehensive tax service ensuring that your business benefits from every penny you’re eligible for.
Our clients include many construction sector companies who value our reputation as a full service R&D consultancy. We have consultants who have decades of experience in the engineering and construction sectors.
Many across the sectors say that they are “….just doing what engineers do…” – but to see exactly how we can help your company successfully claim R&D tax credits for “..what you do..”, from start to finish, contact us today.
Read this case study to see how construction companies can benefit from R&D tax credit claims.
Get in touch today to claim your Civil Engineering, Building Construction or Refurbishment R&D Tax Credits