
Education R&D Tax Credits
The educational sector in the UK is incredibly important to the country’s economy. In fact, through income from foriegn students and English language teaching overseas alone, the educational sector contributes around £20bn to the UK.
And that figure is growing. The amount generated through educational “exports” rose by 26% in the decade from 2010.
The sector is well placed to benefit from educational R&D tax credits. However, many businesses can find it difficult to access the tax relief they are entitled to.
That is where RandD Tax can help. We are a full service R&D tax credits consultancy. Our team of experienced tax consultants will be able to take you through the full claims process, from identifying if you are eligible to make a claim through to your final payment.
R & D tax credits can fund many of the outgoings associated with introducing new products or processes to your business. These include:
- Staff costs
- Software expenses
- Sub-contractors
- Consumables
Few industries develop as quickly as education, with new processes regularly being developed. Claiming R&D tax credits is a great way for businesses in the education sector to generate funding.
Can I claim education R&D tax credits?
The level of collaboration in the education sector can make claiming R&D tax credits complicated. However, RandD Tax are available to simplify the process and remove the stress.
Generally, your business is eligible to claim R&D tax credits if:
- It is a limited company, subject to corporation tax
- It takes part in researching or developing new products or processes – or improving existing ones
- It spends money on these projects
If you aren;’t sure if you can make a claim, for any reason, the best thing to do is to contact us.
Our experience R&D tax consultants will be able to identify if you can make a claim.
We offer a FREE ASSESSMENT and operate on a no win, no fee basis. There is no risk to starting your claim with RandD Tax.

How to claim education R&D tax credits
At RandD Tax, we understand that your business would prefer to be carrying out the R&D, rather than chasing tax credits to help fund it.
We will handle your educational R&D tax credits claim for you. We have the expertise and experience needed to process your claim as quickly as possible, ensuring you get you tax incentive without delay.
Contact RandD Tax today to find out more.
Check these case studies to see how companies can benefit from R & D tax credits.

Get in touch today regarding education R&D tax credits