Chemist MRSC Forensic Scientist for 20+ years doing various roles including R&D. Joined R&D tax in 2014
Gaynor Gosling
Principal Consultant & Shareholder
East Midlands, Greater London, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South East, West Midlands
Picking damsons with my dad as he let me climb trees and be a tom boy!
Long walk with a pub lunch and then singing & dancing at a Guttersnipe gig with lots of friends
Not a great movie fan but love a good box set – Dexter is fab! Very eclectic music collection from Julia Fordham Porcelane to Buzzcocks Every Fallen in Love
Kindle – I love the feel of a real book but when travelling my Kindle is a life saver.
Complicate but I like a challenge!
Meeting loads of really interesting businesses doing amazing things and then telling them they’re eligible to get money back for doing it.
Make it a quicker process so clients get the money back sooner.
DNA profiling – helping create cures, match families and also to catch criminals.
Being able to transport to anywhere in the flash of an eye – no traffic jams!